Lunes, Enero 28, 2013


 It is so sad that a Filipino can get ahead only if he leaves the country and escape from extreme poverty. Many of us did, hoping that things will get better but they are only getting worse. Leaders have no clue about nation-building, more concerned on shaming other leaders. Washing dirty linen in public has been a main Filipino preoccupation, its national past time. Meanwhile television lulls the Filipino mind by dreaming about winning lots of money out of luck, not hard labor. Expats attend TV programs where they donate their money earned somewhere else. Everyone seems to rely on the labor of their relatives who leave their children to work for cheap wages. Why, because the Philippines does not have anything to offer by way of decent professional or vocational development. Get rich quick by any means is now a Filipino past time. The people deserve the leaders they elect. They can not think for themselves. They imitate US preoccupation with gossip identifying with people in the entertainment business. 

Let's be honest. The politics that we see on TV and other media is just entertainment. Nothing real is going on there. just people wanting to make money by "luck" or whatever. The masses take sides over irrelevant issues. There does not seem to be an entrepreneur class that is the foundation of a nation. IF there is it must be very small in number. The Philippines has huge structural problems: Too big a government which has become a basket for employment; balance of population growth rate against GNP. The Philippines has become a satellite for other nations. Filipinos make their money outside the country as low paid laborers. What happened? IT needs to build its infra structure: roads, bridges, flood control, urban planning. We are suffering from "dependency". Like addicts, we became habituated to overseas income. Lots of Department Stores but no real industry to generate income. People cannot think rationally. They just have too many children they cannot support. Look at other countries and they have made the connection that population growth cannot be sustained .There has to be a population control policy or incentive for having zero population growth, just to catch up with building the infrastructure. Filipinos live vicariously. An artificial economy that relies on remittances. Adults go to work outside the country while their children grow up without parents. 

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